Thursday, November 29, 2007

Not Thanksgiving....... not quite Christmas

I was driving tonight and there's a whole lotta houses with Christmas lights and everything...... I love Christmas, but i feel weird about getting in the Christmas spirit when its not even December. Feeling weird does not stop me though, Relient K's new Christmas album has been playing pretty much non-stop since I bought it. I only have two days of class left, then I am outta school and begging my adventure. Speaking of which, with all the free time I'm going to have, and with the writers strike going on, I thought I would invest in a few season of television shows. Anyone have any suggestions? I'm not really feeling comedy.... I've seen just about every episode of Seinfeld, Friends, Arrested Development, and most of the Office, and I don't think that anything can really top that, so any comedy is going to be a disappointment to me. I'm thinking something Dramatic.....Oh by the way I started a fire before I went to sleep last night thinking that if someone stop by they could put it out when they were leaving, but no one stopped by, and my Blog Cabin almost burned to the ground...... 

1 comment:

Kyle said...

i know the wierd christmas feeling that you are feeling. christmas get earlier and earlier every year. soon christmas in july and it will suck.