Monday, December 17, 2007

I thought the rockies were a bit rockier..... that john denver is full of crap

I just got back from the first ski trip of the year. Ban, Nick and I went to Crested Butte, funny name i know, and I will try to talk about the trip without using any puns. Anyways we went there cause there was free snowboarding. It was a funny trip.First off there was the crazy drive up there. the freaking temperature dropped to -23 degrees!!!!!

Thats a picture of nicks thermometer in his car.... I tried to get on of the lower ones but the car was shaking too much. We got the mountain at three 'o clock in the morning. 
We kicked it there and rode for a few days which was a lot of fun.... especially since it was free. Oh hey funny story..... we thought about going and seeing "I Am Legend" and ben hopped outta Nick's car a slipped and nick didn't know it and ran over Ben's foot..... it was awesome cause Ben was perfectly fine, which is by the grace of God hahaha.
Anyways we left the mountain and went to Black Hawk, Colorado, which is Colorado's funny version of Las Vegas. I ended up trying to play Texas Hold-em in the poker parlor. I realized I was in trouble when one of the guy's across the table from me guessed my hand three times in a row....... I lost ninety dollars. It was sad......
Went went on from there and ate at Cheesecake Factory and spent the night with one of Nick's cousins. We woke up this morning and stated our journey back, making a short one hour stop to scratch off about 12 Colorado state lottery tickets...... we lost some more money to the vice of gambling...... a vice that continued when we reached the state of Texas. We finally got back to Midland at midnight.
Oh..... and i got a sweet new beanie......
Pretty Sweet I know


amorysnelson said...

i like your beanie brother! its fun! : )

Marci said...

dude. you haven't posted in like...a month. get with it.